Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
:( :)

Saturday, August 31, 2013 @ 9:01 AM | 0 Comment [s]

(Damn I wrote a pretty long post on my phone but I forgot to save it so I'm writing this out again, bummed haha)

Hello :) 

This week has been pretty crazy in general, so many ups and downs I can't even explain. There was a lot of events and deadlines that I had to meet and it was quite scary. Thank God I could get through everything.

Today was... both good and bad I suppose. So thankful for today's sermon because it really touched me. Started off the day by going for a run. I'm pretty bad actually, I don't run at the park because it's so crowded and I don't like people haha, so I just run along different paths around my neighbourhood and I don't even know where I'm going. But it's refreshing to move about and see new places. I needed to run today to get things off my mind, but I don't think it really worked out because I ended up spending a good 15 minutes sitting at the basketball court just thinking about everything.

There wasn't TYA today because it was games day and I didn't go for it because of tx. When I went home stuff happened and then I left again for church. I'm so so glad for today's worship and sermon. :) This past week I've just been feeling really far from God, and even though I do my qt and pray everyday I just don't feel Him in my life and so many things have been going through my mind and before church I was just praying for something to happen to change me because I can't go on like that anymore. 

The sermon was about 'touching where it hurts' and it just spoke to me a lot. Jesus touched the mind, spirit and body of the people He ministered to and how He has the authority over the Word of God which is the truth. I responded to the altar call because I needed chains to be broken and to be touched in the mind area & the cell leader that prayed for me was really spot on. Her prayer was so powerful and I started crying because His presence was so strong and I just let everything out.

Pastor Daniel talked about how sometimes we go up for prayer and then we're okay for a while but then we break again and we keep on going back. That's exactly how I've been feeling. But we're human and we get broken so we've got to keep on giving the pieces back to God and ask for healing. 

To conclude this kind of wordy post, I just want to thank God for working in such amazing ways. :) Next week is gonna be really crazy as well because the actual event is coming up. Tomorrow I have to finish up all my work and tuition stuff before meeting to do the banner, kind of rushed but let's do it.

Really need God these next few days to get through everything with Him. I can't wait for friday and the september holidays to finally have time to study (can't believe I just said that) but I really need it. 

Let go, let God. :)

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Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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