Sometimes you have to be your own hero.

Thursday, August 8, 2013 @ 9:03 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Today was finally 1014 and it was amazing! Really had so much fun today, one of the best days ever. :-) 

We met up quite early at 7 at macs to eat breakfast and celebrate Mri's birthday and we surprised her with cake, then we headed off to dover. It took a long time but we finally met up with everyone and we got started! I was really scared that they wouldn't like it because it seemed more suited for the younger children but they did and it was still loads of fun! We went to the Lying Lair first and we didn't play much there because we were confused as to what to do haha. Our first game was the 'wheel of misfortune' but yay we got the only good one so we got a clue, then we played a dancing and another screaming game. 

Next was Feardom and I think it was the most fun kingdom out of all of them, and I don't think we were allowed to but we split out group in half because we were too big and not all of us could play the games. Our side played a charades and some math teamwork game but both were really cool to me I guess, the charades was funny. Then we got chased by the actors and Nicole's reaction was brilliant hahaha. 

The last one was Skyfail and it was pretty exciting too but we got stuck at the cups obstacle for a really long time because we can't shoot with rubber bands to save our lives except for Mri who could grow up to be a professional one day. The last obstacle was sort of like angry birds and we had to throw a raw chicken at a box with the pig's picture on it and we threw straight but we kept on throwing too far haha. 

Lastly we had the 2nd part of the skit and the message, but my friends didn't accept Christ but they were interested and I've just got to keep pressing on and praying. :-) Today has been one of the best days ever and my heart aches knowing that we might not be this close next year and it's kind of scary. I love all of them so much and I'm not good with change. And now that 1014 i over I can feel all the stress piling on me again and I'm freaking out for no reason this is bad. :-( 


But I am really thankful to God that most of my friends could come for this event because I fasted and prayed for them everyday so it's incredible that they could come! This sat I'm hoping that Nicole will be free to come too. :-) 

Thank you God for this 1014 event and I ask that You'll be with me through this week, amen!

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Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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