Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
You taught me to be strong

Saturday, July 13, 2013 @ 8:57 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Hi it's saturday again, another (surprisingly short) week went past. I think it's only cause monday was a public holiday and there was no school but this week really went by crazy fast. Today was GB Friendship Day, it was okay, pretty fun. :-) I was in the haysack puzzle stall where they just had to rearrange the pieces to form a picture but we took turns and we could walk around and helped the elderly, it was a good experience!

*Hi yz (roger haha) if you're reading this don't give up and know that God is always with you!* 

Then I rushed to tx in my gb mufti and today's sermon was about failure. For some reason I can't remember the details of the sermon only bits and pieces and maybe it's the fatigue, I still can't sleep early. Anyway, todays' sermon was really impactful and it struck close to home. It was about how you can be afraid to fail or you're stuck in failure and you need to lay down these failures that are holding you back in front of God. 

When you feel that things aren't going you're way and instead, you're being harmed by the circumstances, it's because God knows the plans He has for you and it's not the end because you're still on the journey of reaching His final destination for you. 

When I went up for altar call Charmaine prayed for me and the things she said was really so powerful and afterwards a lady just came up to me and shared a word that God told her to tell me about from 1 Peter. It was amazing and it's really a miracle. :-) When pastor daniel told us to put on hands on our heads and we declared all against all the failures and negative things in our life that are holding us back I started crying because it's exactly what I need and God really works in amazing ways. 

It's gonna be a stressful week cause I have lots to do especially tomorrow but I know that I can't rely on my own strength because I have and will tire out. I can conquer anything through Jesus and I have to lay down the things that are holding me back in order to let Him in and for Him to use me. 

For the first time in a long while, I never thought I would've said this but, "I am not a failure." 

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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