Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
Romans 8:18

Thursday, July 4, 2013 @ 5:04 AM | 0 Comment [s]

"Oh my god why are you so hardworking?"
"Why're you trying so hard?"

Because the last time I wasn't good enough, everyone made me feel worthless and things ripped me apart. People just don't understand, I have to be the best and prove that I can actually do things, that I'm not worthless. I can't afford to be hurt like that again and you say I can't do it but I'll prove you wrong.

I'm getting tired of hiding, I just wish everyone wouldn't be able to see anything and maybe I'll be able to feel normal again, this kind of sucks. Anyway, lately I've just been hanging out with my friends more, mainly because cts are coming up and I want to start studying so I won't be able to go out as often anymore. And now it's the 40 days of prayer and I'm fasting from twitter and one meal a day. Things have changed a lot in school, and I have a new geog and chinese teacher and I'm kind of bummed cause I loved my teachers but... yeah. 

I've been so addicted to this band lately and I love love love their music! I like how their a band instead of a boy band, if that makes sense. It's not really common for me to like a band where I like all their music like how I do with the cab but it's pretty awesome to escape with their music.

Tomorrow is finally friday and there's gb again! I'm not sure how I should be feeling haha. I have to finish up a scrapbook and study for a test so busy night.

I've been sleep really late early in the morning every night now and usually it's okay cause I don't do it that often but it's been so many days in a row and I'm really tired but sometimes I'm just up doing work or I just can't fall asleep and I lie in my bed and stare at the ceiling. 

I hope I can get through tomorrow without any trouble and I just have to quickly finish up the report, study and polish my boots! Dear God please give me strength and multiply my time so I can get enough rest AMEN. :-)

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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