Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
G12 Asia 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013 @ 4:40 AM | 0 Comment [s]

I've been up for about 17 hours now. Best 17 hours of my life. Today was the G12 Conference! I was super psyched for it and I couldn't sleep last night. I woke up at 7 today and I couldn't go back to sleep at all cause I was just dying to shower and get out of the house.

I met Chrislyn in the morning and it's the first time since she came back! Missed her so much, she really is the one who's been there with me from the start. :-) 

The first worship was led by the Philippines it was awesome. Bishop Oriel from the Philippines and Pastor Timothy from Hong Kong were the first preachers and amazingly they had similar sermons. They both preached about the spirit of multiplication and the atmospheres that we need in our church in order for us to grow in multitudes.

During the lunch break, we went to changi airport cause we knew the mall would be crowded but I was fasting so I studied history while they ate Burger King and souperlicious haha. 

The 2nd session's worship was led by the Gkidz worship team! Pastor Art from Hawaii was preaching and I've really liked him and his sermons since last year. He talked about the power of the Red Door, the blood of Jesus. His sermon was really impactful to me, he talked about being fenced up and how we forget about the power of Jesus' blood because we are too familiar with it. Pastor Khong and Pastor Daniel preached next about how God is a God of 3 Generations. I loved Pastor Ceśar sermon about how we can start a cell and the dance that we did to Revival by Soulfire Revolution which is his daughter's band. 

*kind of wrote this post in 2 days, sorry*

Today we went for the combined sunday service at the expo! The worship was really fun and Pastor Ceśar preached again and his message was so so impactful. It was about healing in the heart and restoring our self-image because God is as great as the image you have of yourself. The enemy wants to plant the seed of doubt to destroy the image of every person to destroy the image of God. We are valuable because God made us in His image and He gave us the breath of life. When he asked for those with a distorted image of themselves to go up to the front for altar call and I went up with Cheng En. Then He asked us to visualise Jesus and Him just pouring out His love onto us and we hugged the person next to us and the presence of God was so strong and I was crying like a baby. Something happened and it was just so special, I don't know how to describe it. I can't wait to download the sermon once it's out and watch it all over again. 

Afterwards some things happened and I got really down because I didn't know I could feel that bad about myself so quickly but I kept on praying and re-read my notes over and over again. 

Anyway I finally cut my hair! Well, more like chopped it off actually. My fringe is short and back to normal but my hair is half the length of what it was so now it's just a little longer than my shoulders. I haven't gone this short since P4 but I kind of like it, I feel like I'm cutting everything off and starting anew, if that makes sense hahaha. Oh and I'm starting tya next week! Really excited but it clashes with my piano and I don't know what I'm gonna do so... I'll just let God work it out. 

Tomorrow's the start of my common test and I'm really scared cause I haven't studied much because of everything last week and G12 and church this weekend but I'm gonna do my best and give everything up to God because He'll always be with me. 

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Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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