Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
Belief brings faith

Saturday, June 29, 2013 @ 6:00 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Today was such a great day! Last night was too, my aunt was asking me to go out with her but I was freaking out cause I have yet to finish my homework (still haven't anyway sigh) but I didn't really have a choice so we went to vivo with my cousins and it was super fun. Today I woke up early to finish my tuition homework and then I had tuition, ate lunch and started on my badgework that I really have to send to Elizabeth soon. :-(

Oh and I broke my phone... well it's not exactly broken I mean people can call me but the screen is black and I can't respond so the LCD is broken. I'm using Alex's old bb now and it's really depressing cause I don't have any of my contacts and my iphone plan doesn't work for bb so I don't have 3G and my whatsapp doesn't work... hahaha damn. 

I'm changing my glasses too, cause I haven't changed over more than a year and a half and I went for an eye check on wednesday and my degree went up... I'm kind of nervous cause I'm so used to my specs now and I think I'll look weird but meh, I already chose it anyway. 

I've been so down lately and I was super looking forward to church this week cause I've only gone once in June and I missed everything so much! Today was about believing. We always say that we want our friends to be save or we want our cell to multiply but sometimes we don't really believe that it can really happen. What really impacted me the most was when pastor Daniel was talking about how we have our doubts and fears because we don't believe. And it really is true I guess, we don't have unbelief because of fear, we fear because of our unbelief. And I need to start believing again, I've just been so far away from God and going off track but today I want to believe in God and let Him take control because

unbelief → fear
belief → faith

AH and I'm freaking out inside haha I'm such a girl and I'm so happy but I tried to look normal and not crazy heh. But I think I should give up but I'm just hoping I guess. And there's this new event 1014 coming up and I'm really excited to invite all my friends because I really want them to get to know Christ and I believe that they will be saved and that our cell and grow and multiply AMEN. 

I genuinely haven't felt this happy in such a long time. I'm gonna draw closer to God and I really pray that everything's going to change for the better. I just have to believe it will. 

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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