Sometimes you have to be your own hero.

Thursday, May 23, 2013 @ 6:16 AM | 0 Comment [s]

I'm sorry I'm really a mess right now 
I'm trying my best to get it together somehow

Lots of things happened today that I never want to experience again. I can't believe I did that. And I know, shame on me. I'm pathetic and I disappointed you. I understand. I don't belong here, I shouldn't even be here. And it's okay, I wouldn't want someone like me in my life either. 

Tell me where love goes when it's gone
Tell me where hearts go when they go wrong 
Suddenly someone is no one
I've come undone 

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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