Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
Psalm 61:2

Saturday, May 4, 2013 @ 8:34 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Hello :-) I'm so tired it's not even funny. I slept really early in the morning yesterday cause we were finishing up our photojournalism article and I still have to wake up early tomorrow but I just need to get some feelings out. 

This week has been pretty okay, not as busy as the past few weeks because I didn't have to stay back as much but there were a lot of deadlines. Next week will be even worse I reckon there's so many things going on and big projects I have to complete I'm so stressed God please help me. *cries* 

Today was like a quick getaway, it was really fun. I love saturdays the most sigh if only it could be saturday everyday. In the morning after piano, I met up with grace at tiong bahru plaza and we ate at eighteen chefs which was pretty cheap and incredibly delicious. There was this ice cream that they gave which was so pretty it was all my favourite colours in one cup hehe *_* We had a hth talk about certain things and it was kind of hard for me to share some things but it was really nice to have a talk with her. After talking to her, I think maybe one day I'll sit down with my parents and tell them how I feel about them and everything and I'll open up... one day. :-)

We went to tx afterwards and I really enjoyed the worship! I felt God's presence during 'majesty' and I felt like I was going to burst out crying but I didn't haha. Oh I'm ushering next week! But because of RMUN we might be doing our presentation next saturday as well before the actual conference so I'm not sure if I will be able to make it. :-( I'd choose church over that in a heartbeat. 

Ahaha oh and today I saw him hehehe. *girly mode on* But it's just some stupid crush since last year and frankly it's kind of irritating me. I mean I want to get over him but I can't and I don't know how to, nooooooo.

Anyway, RMUN is the thing that is stressing me out the most right now and honestly, I don't even know what I'm doing. I'm in the disec council and I can't find anything on Vietnam and the illicit small arms trade, I can find the stance, significance and everything but I can't even get started on the current situation of the primary issue, don't even talk about the secondary issue. I wouldn't say I regret saying yes to this but I really need help in order to do it. 

It's gonna be a hectic week, will try to blog whenever I can. There's just so much to do and there's only so much I can take ahh. Tomorrow is math in the morning > learn ting xie for 2 chapters > RMUN which is the most important. On thursday I have chinese oral as well and I'm super afraid of it. This monday is friday's timetable so I can't prepare and on tuesday I have nco meeting and wednesday I have dance so I hope there's time in the evening cause I need at least one session to prepare myself. 

There's plenty to do and I really pray that God will be with me. I need His strength and love. I pray that my faith and trust in God will grow stronger and He'll be the first person I turn to whenever I face troubles in life, amen. 

Gotta sleep soon to wake up early tomorrow, have a blessed week everyone. :-) 

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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