Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
"Let's not pretend like you're alone tonight."

Monday, March 4, 2013 @ 7:52 AM | 0 Comment [s]

HELLO. (: I think I'm high hahahaha oh maybe not. Heh heh heh. 

I just came back from a study date with Kelvina which was pretty okay! We talked a lot about... certain stuff. Yeah. I had milk tea at mos burger and it's still the best milk tea ever, even though it's so simple heh. ^^ 


There's a geography test on wednesday and since there's house practice tomorrow I can't study then so I'm cramming today! And we have our presentation for english too tomorrow. Oh my gosh today we were so lucky I swear we got away with not doing the presentation by such a small, I don't even know how to describe it.

Nicole was sick so we didn't have her part of the brochure and Mridula and I were freaking out and idk I just UGH I can't deal with this kind of pressure.

On 16 March I have to take stage 3 drill test and it's with the east zonal gb companies, not only 4th coy. *can't breathe* We haven't learned a single command for it and haven't practiced at all! But everyone says it's easy so idk, but I hope I do pass. It'll be kind of cool if I actually pass! Can't get my hopes up though, le sigh. :( 

Saturday! Saturday was... embarrassing. I mean, it was going pretty okay, piano and everything in the morning. Then we left for tx and we reached earlier than usual but nowadays they open the doors so early! Plus my other cell mates were there and they already booked seats so, yay for me. 

Hehehe I saw him that day, and he's so cute I CAN'T EVEN. Haha anyway but I sat with my sister that day though, awwwww (*: 

I have so much I want to say but I'm afraid to say it here, aw man sometimes I wish I never let anyone see me blogging or putting up my url in my bio.

The people I love the most in the world are my grandma, my sister and my family and friends. (HAHA THAT WAS COOL the moment I typed that my grandma called). I am a very empathetic person by nature and I'm the friend who's always there to hear you rant or listen to your problems. When I saw what was happening to you and I couldn't do anything to help, idk I just felt so distraught and I could hear my heart breaking. I quite literally ran to Felicia and started to just talk to her and I burst out crying... in front of everybody. :( I was just so confused and I didn't know what I could do and ilysm, I guess I just started crying for you. I know it sounds weird.

On to happier things! We went to scape later that day and alex showed me the cutest dustcap ever and I bought it. 


And I'm too lazy to take a photo of it, nevermind!

Sunday was fun. (: In the morning we went to do our english project. Mridula and I were the first two to reach so we did what anyone would do and got sogurt while waiting for the rest! It was so damn good, I want to eat it again now. It was fun, doing everything together at the library. I love project works where we can sit around and have fun but at the same time get work done. After that I went home then we headed for vivo to meet Alex and ate Maché for dinner! It was all right.

Sigh I really want to say stuff here but I'm too embarrassed. Just talked to a really sweet and caring friend, he's always there for me and I feel so much better after letting everything out. It's late, I'm just going to bring the group work to school early tomorrow so we can finish up. Gonna do my quiet time now, goodnight. (-: 

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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