Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
"Let go, let God."

Saturday, March 30, 2013 @ 9:46 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Ello! It's like 12 in the morning but oh wells. This is just a quick update about my week I guess. My common tests start next week on april fools hahaha let's all hope the teachers are joking about it :x

Sigh so lame. Anyway this week is all study study study! Finally found time to study from thursday onwards thank God. On Thursday after school I did (or try to do) my chinese and physics workbooks and in the night my mum brought us to taka cause my sister wanted to see some vans sale but all the nice designs were sold out. ): We had some nice japanese rice and fish and that was the night that I kinda started to talk to my mum again. I don't know lately we've been fighting a lot so I just avoid talking to her but we didn't fight then so that was good I guess.

Then friday was Good Friday! *shoots confetti* In the morning I woke up really early to study with nicole and when everyone else was still sleeping I was just at the dining table thinking about how much God really loves and cares for us. Words can't even describe how thankful I am to have a God like Him who would send His son down to die on the cross for our sins, so thanks God for Good Friday. (-:

I was also thankful cause I got the chance to really have the whole day to study. In the morning I met nicole at nex to study and we went to mos burger and I had le awesome milk tea again, yummy. We moved around a lot after lunch and we stayed until 2+pm? Idk I wouldn't say it was super productive but I mean I finished studying for geog! She made me feel better by saying that geog has a wide range of topics to learn and revise and it's really hard to remember everything so that kind of made me feel better heh. 

Afterwards it was raining really heavily and I will never remember to pack an umbrella so turns out my mum was at nex too and I met her at crystal jade to well, watch her eat lunch. HAHAHA the stupidest thing happened okay I totally blame myself. I didn't know that my mum was sick because she didn't really look sick (I'm sorry ): ) and I was stealing sips of her water when she wasn't looking and later that night........ I GOT A FEVER. I don't know if I should laugh or cry at myself sigh I totally deserve it though haha. So yeah, now I'm a little sick, whoops. :x

Later that night I decided to stay at home to finish up homework and study instead of going to my external family's house for dinner. I feel so bad about it but my mum told me to stay at home so, yeah. I did quite a lot I think did my home ec and chinese except for (a few) blanks which I had to ask for help. Yeah it doesn't sound like a lot but it's a ton of homework for each subject and ugh. 

Why would they give us piles of homework when our exams are coming up? How do they expect us to finish all the homework and study for cts at the same time + everything else you have to do iT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. *cries*


Hahaha then there was today which is saturday! Well actually now's sunday but nevermind. In the morning I had piano and from after my piano till lunch I was doing my research on the effects of lead. Sigh we have to redo our whole competition proposal and experiment cause for some sudden reason we can't do cadmium. My heart broke when I found out cause we worked so hard on it. ):

From after lunch to before leaving the house I finished up the chinese and home ec that I didn't know how to do. And today was the first time I wore my bun to church! Lately all I've been doing is just putting my hair up in a messy bun everyday cause I cannot study with my hair down for my life cause it's just too long and it flies everywhere. It was really warm today and I was kind of lazy to comb my hair nicely so I just left it in a bun. (~: I should do it more often it was so nice not to move my hair out of my face lol. 

Heh I saw him today, he's so cute. Ah silly crush go away please. Anyway after church I had a talk with my cell leaders > bought gong cha > went out with my sister and her friends > both my sister and I forgot our house keys *facepalm* so we went to our grandma's house and waited for our mum > went to udders for supper >back home showered and blogging hehe. 

I know it's random but this gif practically describes things that have been going on in my life lately.


That's what I need to do right now. I need to study hard and do my best but ultimately, I need to give everything up to God. I'll have a mental breakdown if I don't. SO I'll do my best and let go of everything and let God take control of my situation cause I know from Jeremiah 29:11 that God has plans to prosper me and not to harm me and plans to give me hope and a future. 

So yes, dear Lord I thank You for dying on the cross for my sins and Your love is the greatest love I've ever known and I trust in You and I give up everything to You. Thank You. 

Amen. (-:

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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