Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
"I'm healing."

Saturday, March 9, 2013 @ 8:27 AM | 0 Comment [s]

You can do a lot in a day.

Hello. (: Today was... better. Much better, actually. I still feel horrible and I'm sure my classmates think the same too, even if they don't show it. But now that the day has passed, I feel a teeny bit better, but there's still like this burden weighing down on me and it's all my fault that it's there. Oh well, I just have to pray and give it up to God.

Today's saturday! I set like two alarms today and I'm probably gonna do that for the rest of the week haha. Piano was pretty good, but I need to start studying cause my theory exam is in 2 weeks and I've got a lot to memorise. 

After that my dad and I went out together and bought some stuff for some people... heheh. Can't wait to see how she reacts! I hope she'll like it, especially since he's not gonna be there for the first time in years. ):

Then my sister and I headed off to church. Oh my goodness I swear it's like my 3rd time this week getting drenched in the rain. It came out of nowhere. T_T But I really like the rain so, not that it's something that I'll really complain about whee. Today I wore the pullover that I bought the last time when I went out shopping with alex. It's so comfy and the material is pretty thin actually so it was so nice to wear. *_* 

Church was fun. (: It's crazy how God knows exactly what I need to hear and has so many ways of telling me it. Today's sermon was the last "I Can" series and it was I Can Be Healed. Altar call was for the people who needed either physical, emotional or spiritual healing. I went up for emotional healing. I was walking up then V came in front too  (': haha sorry but it's like she doesn't really like to go up kind so I was so excited. 

This really nice and motherly cell leader came up to me and she asked to pray for me and what she could pray for. So, I just confessed everything. It didn't feel weird at all actually, I think I would feel more uncomfortable if someone I knew prayed for me cause I wouldn't want them to think differently of me, if that makes sense. I told her I needed emotional healing. I told her I feel like I don't belong anywhere, that I feel like I'm useless and I can't do anything right. I told her about my eating problem, and I just let everything out.

Pastor Daniel was talking about how an emotional wound is like having a knife in your heart. You can just hide it and live with it but every time the Devil attacks you in that area or you remember something that brings you back to that wound, it's like someone's turning the knife bit by bit. To get rid of the knife you have to confess whatever wound you have and pull the knife out. It'll hurt when you pull it out, but you have to go through the pain in order to heal.

The cell leader was really nice. It seems weird but she's like an angel who knew exactly what to pray for me and all the things that she prayed for where so applicable and meaningful to me. I don't know who she is but, thank you. (-:

I started to cry when she was praying. She prayed for everything I needed and it all just came back to me, all the memories, everything. I started to full-on sob heh, but it was really an amazing experience . I can't explain it in words, it's the kind of thing that you have to go through as well to truly understand. 

I'm glad for my cell group, they're all so nice and they came up to pray and comfort me, so thankful (*: So after service I rushed off to Fi's house for her birthday party. OH yes I put my name down for tya which is where you can tutor children and my sister joined before and I want to help out too. (: My mum wasn't too psyched about it though, it's one of the only things I've wanted to join since p6 but oh well, just so happens that it's the only in my busy schedule that she doesn't really encourage me to take, surprise surprise. Sigh anyway yeah, I want to know more and I'd really like to help out hehe.

Oh wow it's already 12.26 am, will blog about Fi's birthday and other stuff soon. Goodnight. (~:

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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