Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
"I think I'm falling for you."

Friday, March 1, 2013 @ 7:40 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Hello! (: This week was just as busy as last week but it passed really quickly though, yay. Again I had to stay back everyday and always had something on after school and some pretty crazy stuff went on.

Monday - Stay back for sjwp research and go home to practice and learn stage 2 drill and get ready (POLISH BOOTS). So yeah, I took my first stage 2 drill test on friday and...... I failed. I wasn't really crushed by it because I missed the lesson where they taught long commands which is the hardest part and I never really understood it so I failed mostly because of that. It was pretty heartbreaking though. Plus, my mum told to sort of "get over it" in a kind of nice way, but I got what she meant. She said that I shouldn't be so bothered by such small things but... idk, it's important to me. Then she just brushed it aside as if it didn't matter. Ouch. 

Haha but yeah, I know it sounds weird but honestly, I really like drill and I want to do well in it. I started drill near the end of P3 up till now which is counting this year, 5 years of me doing drill. wooaaah. I know not many people like it but it is pretty enjoyable when you don't think of it as a punishment or a chore. 

Tuesday - RE-TAKE DRILL TEST. I swear on tuesday I was so nervous I was close to crying. I sound so weak I know, I know. But the day before I was just reading and memorising all the commands and polishing my boots at the same time. The seniors are so nice omg especially Huihui, she always comes early to help us practice and stuff. I use my sister's old boots cause mine are too big (that means I'm wearing a size 3, smallest feet in the company sigh) and it was really worn out and she helped me too polish and make it look better. (": 


Then before the drill test the older seniors came over to help us practice and they are so good at drill! I want to be like that next time hehe. Yeah but they really helped me to understand the long commands better and it really helped a lot so thank you. (: And after  like 3 hours.... I PASSED!!! 

But cause 4 of us had to retake but only 2 of us passed, so I was really bummed about that. Honestly I would rather all of us pass or all of us fail. I would just break down if I had failed again so I tried to cheer them up and I just prayed a lot for them. They're stronger than that though so I know even if they say that they want to give up, they won't. 

Wednesday - Biomedical performance thing after school + dance. Sigh we were late by 15 minutes cause of the performance and the teacher went crazy about how we should have gone back to her but then she kept quiet once we told her that Mrs Phua told us to come over once the performance was over. Mhmm. 

I've always thought being a dancer was the coolest thing in the world. They're just so graceful and flexible and ah I wish I was a dancer! But I'm not, I think I kind of suck at it hahah. 

Thursday - was one of the crappiest days of the week. There was e-learning, then I had chinese tuition and then rushed to school to do my history project. I think that they were very angry that I was late cause everybody was so quiet and idk I just felt like shit. But they were the ones who suddenly wanted to meet up on thursday and I already wasn't free so, yeah. I felt terrible that day so definitely not one of my best days.

FRIDAAAAAY - is the most free day I've had all year!!! Hcl was so fun and free we had this competition where we had to find answers about stuff in our chinese newspaper and it was so much more interesting than what we usually do. We were supposed to have ting xie but it was wang lao shi instead of hu lao shi sooo yay? I had no gb today cause there was house practice but not for my house so I could go to the prayer tower cause my cell was anchoring it! It was seriously a miracle, so qiao eh same week then suddenly no gb so I could make it. ^^ This is what it must feel like when you having nothing on after school on fridays. DAMN SHIOK I'M SO JEALOUS.

Prayer tower was fun. (: Oh on the bus ride there I was so tired I fell asleep for a while and I woke up my eyes were red. My eyes get red really easily especially when I'm tired, and I get tired so early throughout the day haha. Well prayer tower only I went. ): I mean the tribe was there but I was the only one in my cell who went there. A teeny bit awkward. 

It felt great to just praise and worship God and pray and talk about everything. All the stress from this week was just instantly gone when I started to pray. Then after dinner at koi I talked to Grace about how I get through all the stress and stuff and I think it was a great talk. 

When I get too stressed and I know I can't handle things on my own and I can't tahan anymore, I just give up everything to God. I mean, I'll do my best and He'll do the rest right? He has a plan for me and I can just always count on Him and trust in Him that everything happens because He allows them too. It's an awesome feeling, really, when I just give everything to Him. It feels like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders and I don't have that burden anymore, because I know that I can trust in Him and that everything will be okay. (~:

Tomorrow I'm waking up early to get ready for piano, and I shouldn't even be blogging heh. Then I think we're meeting for the english project? And then church! (: But both my cell leaders won't really be around except for Grace but she's coming waaay later. So we have to book seats again. I think I'm so childish for saying this and I know it's such a small matter but I'm terrified of booking seats. Yeah yeah laugh. 

I think you have to go really early to get good seats and if you don't it's so hard to find a nice row and it's so stressful. Usually we sit in front because our cell leaders like to sit in front and we just book those seats for them haha. But yeah I'm always afraid of not being able to find a good seat or things like that so I hate booking seats. 

"I've been spending all my time, just thinking bout you. I don't know what to do, I think I'm falling for you." 

HA HA HA I.... am very confused about how I feel right now. There's nothing I can say to describe anything. Soo more pictures! Because pictures describe the words I can't say.

And some adventure time pictures! Because this post is getting sad hahaha.

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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