Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
"You make me happier than I could ever imagine."

Saturday, February 16, 2013 @ 7:34 AM | 0 Comment [s]


Happy belated valentine's / singles awareness day everyone! Hahaha hope you had a great one. I spent valentine's day smelling flowers and eating chocolates and cookies and chionging my pen art, but I still have a lot to do tomorrow + preparations for the sjwp meet up. 

I realise I blog a lot on saturdays. Meh it's my only free day anyway and there's church! I always look forward to saturdays cause of tx heh. Today was the valentine's day special service and it was so cute. When we went there we saw people asking other people to write down questions about love that pastor daniel talked about later during the sermon. Then there were the papers where you could teat out words that you need like faith, courage, hope etc. 

Today only Cheng En, Keziah, Cassandra and I were here for the service then Grace met us for cell group at kfc. It's like back in the old days before we mixed the 3 cell groups (we miss you chrislyn!) and today was just really fun at church. 

The worship was so touching I've missed church so much. I've been caught with everything around me and I miss His presence. I felt like crying when pastor daniel was praying but it felt a bit awkward if I did so I didn't.

Saw so many people today. My feelings are just so jumbled up. You keep on giving me mixed signals and I don't know what to think and it's so irritating cause I can't get you out of my head and I'm just want to rant out everything to someone without judging me cause even I judge myself when I try to admit something to myself and I really want to tell you everything but I'm afraid you'll look at me differently please don't I'm fragile and I really need you, you're one of my best friends. 

Woo I just needed to let that out.

On valentine's day I didn't manage to write out cards cause I went away for the cny holidays and I was rushing homework and projects when I got back so I'm just gonna write my short notes of thanks and love here. (: and cause I'm a little embarrassed to write to them what I'm about to say haha, plus not like they'll see any of this anyway.

Dear Felicia,

I don't know if you feel the same but I consider you as one of my best friends. (: I'm really thankful to have you in church as well in class (I just realise this means that I see you almost 6 days a week heh). I love how I can just freely ask you for prayer requests and talk to you about everything. I think you're a really great friend and I thank God for letting me meet you and become closer to you. I remember the church camp for the sec ones and I barely knew you back then, I only knew that you were this girl from my school. I'm so glad I got to know you and you're one of the special people that I can talk to about anything, so thank you. (':

Dear Pea,

Ahhh I love you so much I don't even know what to say hahaha! I'm so glad I got to know you last year and you really are someone who I can talk to and count on. I really enjoy our pea dates and heart to heart talks and baskin robins and everything. I know sometimes I irritate you and you, me but I hope that we'll always be friends. I'll always need a friend like you. <3

Dear Boo bear, 

Hey boo. (: You're one of the most funny and cheerful people I've ever met and your hugs are awesome. I'm glad I can always go to you about anything and I'm really gonna miss you when you're gone. )': WHO WILL I BE CRAZY WITH AND MAKE WEIRD SOUNDS AT, DON'T LEAVE. Ahem, but yeah I can always have the weirdest and craziest conversations with you and it'll be like it's just a normal thing for us. I love you steve, steve jr, chad, grasshopper, penguin and all our other inside jokes. Love you boo. (":

Dear Alex,

Wow it feels weird to write to you. You said you wouldn't read my blog but if you are, I see you. O_O and don't make fun of anything I'm gonna say okay. You are, the best sister ever and you're my best friend. There, I said it. Even though you make fun of me, sit on me, refuse to help with laundry and you have scarred me mentally a few times in my life I know that you'll always be there for me. You are so funny and amusing and you never fail to make me laugh and feel better when I'm down. You're honestly everything I want to be. I know sometimes you don't find it but I think you're so so so pretty and everyone likes you and your personality is great. And I think you look bea-u-tee-fu (in your strange way of saying it) without makeup. (: Say awwww heheh. I look up to you and I wish I could be more like you. I can always talk to you about the things I'll never talk to mummy about, like boys and my school problems and you really are my best friend. Oh gosh this is so mushy. Meh, I love you. (*:

There's more but I don't think I'll write them here. I'm so thankful for all the people that God has put in my life and you guys don't realise it but you all make me so happy and get me through the day. You all make such an impact on my life everyday, more than you'll ever know. 

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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