Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
"My tiny rant. Sort of."

Friday, February 22, 2013 @ 7:44 AM | 0 Comment [s]

This week is finally over!!!!!

My gosh it has been one of the longest and busiest weeks ever for me and next week will be the same too. *le sigh* 

Monday - Meeting with Mrs Pritty for our science project. It was a stressful day cause right after school Kyna and I rushed to the library to get our research printed out and then I realised that I forgot to bring the pink file with all our other materials instead HUGE FACEPALM. When we reached np I found out the I had oh so conveniently left my thumbdrive at the library and it was our only hope cause all of our research was inside. *pulls hair out* But thankfully we didn't really have to refer to it much so it was all right.

Ms Choo was being so nice that day and after the meeting we decided to eat yummy toast box and have a chit chat session which was surprisingly fun and she didn't look so serious when she talked and joked with us heh.

Tuesday - NCO meeting (drill practice) I was so tired from this sigh pie they held us back to just keep on practicing and practicing for the drill test but it was so tiring and our muscles were aching the next day.

Wednesday - Sports enrichment (Jazz dance) I have a new respect for dancers now oh my  god it was my first time dancing and the insructor did some crazy stretches that only the dancers could do well while we were all struggling at the back hahaha. It was pretty fun though I just need to get used to the moves and stuff. I was not made for dancing. ):

Thursday - Zoo reece trip for our CIP. Actually it wasn't really all that interesting cause I'm one of the group leaders and we've been on the reece trips before and eh, but yeah it was fun to spend time with our friends I guess!

Friday - Chemistry, home ec, drill test. Today was soooo crammed and stressful I'm so glad it's over. On Thursday night, because the whole week was so packed with things to stay back for and complete that I crammed for all 3 tests that night. I was so afraid mostly all I did was pray and study. The home ec and chem were a bit tricky but they were okay, I think I could've done better though. 

Drill. I think it's ridiculous how the test is so early in the year even though there are cts. We only had a few practices and sessions to learn and practice the stage 2 commands. I fell sick on one of the NCO meeting days and I missed the entire lesson whee they taught long commands and that, was the one that's probably caused me to fail my test. In the theory long commands were worth half the total marks and I'm pretty sure I failed every single one of them.I screwed up my practical a few times too, I almost cried omg it's so tough why would they give us so little time to prepare. )': 

I'm not being pessimistic, I'm just being realistic (ooh it rhymes), I think I failed the test. We'll only know our results monday afternoon and if we failed we have to take it again straight away on tuesday so I'm gonna study like crazy this weekend. 

Tomorrow's saturday my favourite day ~~~~~

I have piano in the morning though, urg. I love piano, it's just that the songs that she makes me play are so boring and I don't want to play them. I want to find nice piano books with songs that I know cause I find it more enjoyable to play songs that you already know. 

Then church! We have this angels and mortals thing that we're playing now in our cell so my mortal will get a very cute gift tomrrow. (; I have nothing to wear though lol, I will dig something out of my closet! Oh how I love saturdays. <3

Next week will be:

Sunday - Finish up jian bao, study long commands, type out minutes

Monday - Meeting Ms Choo for the swjp (I think, I can't remember)

Tuesday - NCO meeting & possible drill test 

Wednesday - Math test, sports enrichment, more jazz

Thursday - E-learning! Chinese tuition + tuition homework

Friday - Geography test, house practice/meeting. GO ARCHER WOO! Haha I hope there's no hcl, I know there's no gb.

This whole weekend I'm just going to keep on praying and praying for everything. I'll pray for protection and guidance, my week, homework, tests, PROJECTS (important), my drill (super duper uber nervous), my family and just everything. I'll talk to Him about anything. Thankful that I have a God who is so big and I can just give up everything to Him and trust and know that He can do anything, amen. 

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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