Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
"I can't help but wonder."

Saturday, February 2, 2013 @ 8:21 AM | 0 Comment [s]

IT'S SATURDAYYYYYYY *shoots confetti everywhere*

Ello. Soooo it's finally the weekends after that crappy week! YAY. 

The beginning of friday was so tiring and boring honestly the best part of it was gb. I finally really learnt how to do the command after 3 weeks? Cause I missed the first lesson when they taught all the stage 2 people how to do it cause of hcl and I could never get how to do that super long command. ):


Piano was okay, it's just that she asked my to play the only song that I didn't practice last and it was really crappy *ashamed*

Then it was church! Ahaha it took me a while to find a nice outfit to wear (not that the shirt I wore was exceptionally nice, meh) cause I had reunion dinner afterwards. So after trying on many new shirts BAM I just decided to throw on my dual-coloured elmo shirt! 

Firstly, it was red and chinese new year dinner so red was good. Secondly it was the least dressy and most comfy and I got quite lazy to wear a nice shirt and accessories and everything so elmo shirt is a win win situation for me.

HA HA and when I was walking people kept on staring at me and at first I was so confused. But then I realised that I was wearing a huge elmo shirt and my phone cover's elmo too so when I was texting and walking I looked like a very very big elmo fan heh.

I saw him today! Hehe we were sitting pretty close to each other and he was the row behind me I think. It's not who you would think it is though. But I felt so grungy today and my hair wouldn't cooperate with me so, bad impression there. *frustrated* 

Sigh, I saw Tesco today too when we went to the front. I was walking down going to the right where he was and I saw him and I just froze and spun around. Then I started laughing at myself for running away. I just feel so guilty whenever I see him I can't even say anything. 

)": I'm sorry.

Anyway after church I literally ran off to the car to be on time for the reunion dinner. Yeah the car ride was not the best part of the day, it was pretty awful. Thankfully we managed to reach not too late though! (:

CNY, oh how I love the family gatherings. Pat Mei was so nice she cooked this cold crab that she steamed then she put it in the freezer and it was really yummy. My favourite part of the crab is the egg roe. ONE OF MY GUILTY PLEASURES. Haha but it's not for everyone but I got it from my mum, I love eating it even though it's really high in cholesterol. Once in a while is cool though right? Eh it was worth it!

My favourite chinese new year goodie is definitely the prawn/shrimp roll! The small fried rolls are just so deliciously unhealthy but they're so yummy especially the spicy ones. 

It's times like this I can't help but think of all the what ifs in my life. 

What if I never stopped talking to you? Where would we be now? What if I couldn't move on? How would I feel right now? What if I had the courage to talk to you? Would things be better or worse? What if you knew my name and I knew yours? Would either one of us do anything about it? What if I made better choices in my life? What if I hung outwith different people? How would I be like right now? What if i never did that, or what if I did? Would it change anything right now? 

I can't help but wonder about all the decisions I've made in life. Would I go back and change anything? Probably not, I'm sure God lets everything happen for a reason so there must be a reason why we've fallen out off friendship or why nothing is happening right now. 

i just have to trust in Him and know and believe that everything He does for me is because He has a plan for me. 

At night I think of the craziest scenarios and you're in most of them. I see you around all the time but I've never met you. I wonder what's your name. Haha it's kind of like how this other guy in my block always comes down at the same time as me but we never walk to school or the bus stop outside together, we just walk next to each other.

Awkward turtle ~

HAHA okay sorry that might have nothing to do with what I'm talking about right now. Sigh but it's irritating GET OUT OF MY HEAD DUDE. I'm such a girl. I know nothing's gonna happen so shoo, I don't want to think about it and get my hopes up. 

But I can't help it.

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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