Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
"I can't be broken. Not anymore."

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 @ 3:57 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Happy chinese new year guys!! (: I know it's already the 3rd day but meh. Haha it's been such a busy week and so many things have been going on I've barely got any time to myself. Not like I have any time now but I just really, really need to blog and let everything out. 

Last friday was one of the best fridays ever. I've never had a friday where I can just go out after school with my friends or go home and laze around ever since I joined gb. I mean, I love gb and all but who wants to have cca on a friday. A FRIDAY. T_T This year there's now hmt + gb so yay antonia.

I hate how people complain that normal school ends at 3.10 pm on friday I will slap you okay try staying back every week till 6.30+ pm!

Oops digressing haha.

Well it was the cny celebrations which were so cute this year, it was pretty entertaining. (: Then afterwards was class bonding! Omg this year's class bonding is so much more fun than last year's. We played running man (with 5 other classes playing the same game) and it was really thrilling. Haha I think for me cause I was a spy and cause I've never watched running man (don't judge me) it was much more scarier and more fun to participate in! As a spy I didn't really do much, all I did was just inform the game comm of my team's location and I would feel so guilty if I had ripped out mogu's name tag when I was alone with her so I didn't. The class didn't really react very positively when they found out that Alethea was a spy so I was terrified to tell them. But hui jie was awesome and everything was okay. *thumbs up emoji*

Saturday there was no teensxcite cause we had combined services for cny but we didn't go to church this week. ): We were out visiting relatives and we went to malaysia with my dad's side, we just got back. Saturday was so fun I just want to rewind and go back so badly. To sum it up:

Saturday was sentosa the adventure cove > s.e.a maritime aquarium > reunion dinner.

Sunday was popo's house > cindy aboh's house > drive to malaysia > hello kitty land > rest at hotel > yummy japanese dinner 

Monday was breakfast at old town white coffee (super nice omg) > lego land > rest at hotel > dinner at this korean restaurant where you can cook your food in this huge pan in front of you > jusco

Tuesday (today!) was youtiao and soya bean for breakfast > factory premium outlets > drive back home > blogging

Basically it was just a really busy and fun cny. (:

Next week is the valentine's day special for tx but... we can't go. )': We're going to malaysia again to visit our family there and it clashes. I'm just so bummed cause I was really looking forward to it but now we can't make it. The worst part is that we're only visiting them for half a day cause we have to come back for my brother to be able to study for his exam and the half a day just so happens to be on saturday. WHY?! I don't mean to sound bad or anything but if we were going to go at least can't we visit them longer? But I also don't want to not go because people get older and I want to spend time with my grand aunt there. I wish that we could go visit them another weekend instead of this weekend but we can't always get what we want I suppose. Plus my grandma looked so happy when I told her that we were going along too so, I guess I'll go for her. (: 

Now that I'm back I just have so much stuff to do and I just need somebody to lean on and help me please. I have to do:

1. Home ec research (due on friday)
2. Chinese email (due on thurday)
3. Math worksheets (due tomorrow)
4. Piano homework (due tomorrow)
5. Chinese tuition homework (due on thursday)
6. Art homework (due on friday I think, if it's not I'm so dead)
7. Send the minutes to ms choo and the sjwp team in google docs and actually do everything that I typed out which is so much 

I know it doesn't seem like much but that's because I generalised everything and it takes much longer than it sounds. I've got so much to do I shouldn't even be on my mac doing this now but I just need to let myself be heard. That's what this blog is for anyway. Or I could just be typing out everything to remind myself so if I forget I'll just come back and read my blog again hahhaha (Sorry, ruining the moment)

What I plan to do: 

Tuesday: Finish up home ec and send the minutes to everyone today
Wednesday: Do piano homework and practice after school. After piano chiong the chinese email
Thursday: Hurry finish chinese tuition homework after school. After tuition chiong art (which can take at least 4 hours)

Even though I'm so stressed I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I'm just gonna lean on Him cause He's my cornerstone and I can trust that He'll bring me through everything. 

I'm gonna be my own hero now. I'm not gonna fall, not this time. And for all the people who've hurt and backstabbed me, I'm letting go. I forgive you. I'll forgive you and I'll forget about you. If you could leave me hanging so easily, I can do the same too. You said you didn't need me, you hurt me and you left me when I was at my weakest. I tried to tell you, that if this continued on, you'd really lose me. But you didn't care. Well, I guess now it's my turn. I forgive you, because I realise that complaining and crying over you just isn't worth it anymore. I'm letting you go, and I'm never going back. You're not worth it anymore. 

I'm gonna stay strong and keep my head up. I can go on without you, I'm going to be alright. I trust in God and I believe that He'll help me get through everything, baby steps. (: I've said that before I think haha. 

Putting pictures because words just aren't enough.

I guess I'm gonna find out how much I can take.

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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