Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
"The question game."

Saturday, January 19, 2013 @ 8:01 AM | 0 Comment [s]

2nd post for the night! Having a laptop is so handy heh, thankful girl is me. I felt like doing the question game where I just got questions from everywhere and questions that people always ask me and I thought it would be fun to do. If you don't care just click the red button and bye. (: Leggo,

  • When you get older, where would you want to live? Right here in Singapore! Home is where the heart is right? Haha so cliche. But I love my country, I might want to go and visit other exotic places but I'll always want to come back home.
  • Where do you want to be right now? In a church camp
  • What is your dream vacation? Go to somewhere that snows *_*
  • What is your favorite dream? I once had a dream where I was in Naruto, it was pretty awesome
  • Who was your first kiss? I had my first kiss when I was really young but I prefer to say that I never had it at all, so it doesn't count hehe
  • Give a description of who you like. Tall, soft hair, cute teeth
  • Share a story that makes you smile. The whole experience when I went to uss with Busra and Nicole (:
  • Share something you did embarrassingly. I tried to do a one-man show of my magic tree house book once and my sister caught me *ashamed* HAHAHA
  • Are you still friends with the people you met in primary school? Of course, I love all of them
  • What is something you barely tell anyone? I'm very insecure about my eye bags cause of my allergies to dust and fur
  • What are your hobbies? Reading, singing, hanging out with friends, swimming, using my laptop, blogging, laughing etc
  • Would you rather have a relationship or friend with benefit? Relationship definitely
  • Who is your favourite teacher so far? I really like my last year's english and lit teacher and I like my form teacher this year too (: 
  • What is the meaning behind your url? The bridge of back to december by taylor swift was stuck in my head so boom, mindless dreaming hah
  • 3 biggest pet peeves? When people don't know the lyrics to a song but sing it anyway as if they're right, when people touch my face and when people chew with their mouth open, yucks
  • Celebrity crush? Joe Brooks :*
  • If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? I would want to change so much... but everything happens for a reason so, I wouldn't change a thing I guess
  • Top 5 traits you look for in a person that you want to have a relationship with? A man who loves God, tall, loyal, takes control to a certain extent (not in a sick way you pervs, I mean a guy who can protect you and make you feel safe with in the relationship) and loving
  • Who is your best friend? My clique (:
  • Your guilty pleasure? Swensen's frosted chocolate malt <3 
  • Height? 160 cm
  • Shoe size? All star size 5 (I know I have small feet ): )
  • Age you get mistaken for? 16
  • Favourite movie? Gosh I have so many lame ones haha. I love disney movies, national treasure 1 & 2 and pink panther the movie also both 1 & 2 (:
  • "I'll love you if"? You rent all my favourite movies and buy healthy and unhealthy snacks and we have a movie marathon together in an air-conditioned room ^^
  • Someone you miss? I love you gong gong
  • Most traumatic experience? When a pedophile started stalking me week after week at church *shudders*
  • A fact about your personality? I tend to be a bit motherly heh
  • What I hate about myself? My thighs, my eye bags, the fact that I can't say no, my fingers, my hair, not being able to adapt to changes and the list goes on and on
  • What I love about myself? My voice, eyelashes, flat stomach, I can make friends easily, I can cheer people up and make them laugh, I love everyone despite of their appearance and past and the list goes on and on too. (I'm not really the kind of girls who emo about their appearance all the time but I do have my moments ): )
  • Your idea of a perfect date? At an amusement park
  • Reason why you've lied to a friend? I didn't want to hurt her feelings
  • What words upset you the most? Disappoint, failure, weird, irritating etc
  • What words make you feel best about yourself? Kind, cheerful, beautiful, loving etc

DONE! Hehe that was really fun, might do it again sometime. (: I learned things about myself that I wasn't even aware of, hm. 

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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