Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
"Thanks God, for creating those tiny little events to make me smile again."

Saturday, January 19, 2013 @ 6:51 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Ello ello! Today saturday and today was a good day. (:

In the morning I woke up early to practice the piano before class cause lately school and everything has been so busy and I've hardly got time to practice anymore. ): I definitely played better than last week so that's good.

OH TODAY IT WAS RAINING ALL DAY AND IT WAS SO COOLING AND NICE AHHH it was seriously raining all day, no joke. I woke up at like 4 am to send my sister off and I saw it was pouring then and it kept on until mid-afternoon and even after that it was still sort of drizzling.

Hehe I just love the rain it's hands down my all time favourite weather. I like storms and walking in the park after one. It'll be drizzling a bit and the air will be so cool and fresh and there will be a mini waterfall down the track when I walk along it and it's so peaceful, I love it. 

I really really love my neighbourhood. I mean I've lived here since I was born anyway and I know every single place here. I just enjoy being with my neighbours and schoolmates who live here too so much. <3

Heh oops digressing.

Hmmm oh the afternoon kinda sucked, I fought with my mum and then I just went to tx. She's still not back yet, I don't really know what to say to her anyway. 

ON TO HAPPY STUFF. Hahaha um it was really cold out so I literally bundled myself up in a thick pullover and my gryffindor beanie woo! 


HA HA yeah it was just really cold and the beanie was so warm so I just put it on. And it kept my hair in check cause it was so windy and it kept it in place.

I went to seven eleven and bought myself my all time favourite candy, SKITTLES! *run around screaming and throwing skittles at people*

HAHAHA but yeah I just really love how they're so small and cute and tasty, yummy! My second favourite candy is maltese (or is this a chocolate? hmmm) and my favourite chocolate is the cadbury bubble mint flavour. ^^

Yep, then I met Cheng En at kfc and we started writing the farewell card for my cell leader first. We're really gonna miss her when she's gone, will most definitely keep her in our prayers!!

Yup so had service > cell > really nice dinner at the korean bbq restaurant hehe I'm no longer a korean restaurant virgin yay. 


Anyway, lately I just can't stop thinking about him IT'S FRUSTRATING. ):< His hair, his eyes, his laugh. He's so cute. I saw him today and he said hi. Hehehehehehe I'm such a girl omg.

But I doubt he would even like me back anyway, it's just a silly little crush I have. I'll get over it, or not. He's so adorable hahaha! 

Moving on ~~~ Today was awesome but next week I'm really gonna be super stressed and busy.

I have to:

1. Finish zuo ye.
2. Do my intro and mindmap for my english argumentative essay.
3. Pack my cupboard.
4. Do chinese tuition homework.
5. Tell Mdm Lim that I'm now a NCO and I can't have tuition on tuesdays anymore but I told her I would only be promoted in March but I didn't know ugh.
6. Do piano homework.
7. Prepare and study for the science competition on wednesday. (important!)

I need to work hard this week and finish everything! Oh wait I also have to write the birthday cards heh. 

 If I didn't pray and trust in God right now I would probably be typing a super long, emo post about how life sucks and how I'm alone. Haha I know I've done it a lot of times okay I'm sorry. )': 

I know that God will bring me through it all and with Him I can do all things. Everything I do is for God so I must give it my all. If everything I do is for Him then why am I mad that I have to do all these things? (: I should do them to the best of my abilities for Him.

That's what's been getting me through everything lately. 

I can't imagine a life without You, without You. Cause it's all for You, yeah it's all for You, God.

I'm glad for the little things in life that God has given me like just simply getting to see the people I love and having enough to eat and drink. I'm thinking of fasting one meal a day again to ask God to help me through everything during this busy period.

I know it sounds weird cause if I'm really busy I should eat more and get more energy right? I don't know, I just feel like I should fast and pray about it that's all. 

I believe in Him and I know I can get through next week, baby steps. (:

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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