Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
"Sometimes you have to be your own hero."

Thursday, January 3, 2013 @ 12:09 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Happy new year everyone! HAPPY 2013 WOO.

*I changed my blogskin cause I realised that some computers can't click on the puzzles and see anything so yeah. But I hate the fact that this blogskin causes long titles to overlap the words, sorry bout that.*

2012 was definitely not one of my best years, but I'm very thankful for all the people that I've met and the experiences that I've gone through.

 I'm so glad that I have my clique. I love each and every one of them and I know that I can count on them to be there for me. <3

I think that my class also bonded in a way after a year of being together. I remember last year everybody was split up into their different groups of people but now you can tell that we're more united! (:

It's really sunk in to me. I think it happened near the end of the holidays. I realised that this is it. We really are growing up. Come to think of it, I suppose I am pretty well protected and safe growing up as a child. I have an older sister, a younger brother and parents that fight a lot but still love each other, I hope.

In primary 6 the teachers concentrated on us because of our PSLE and last year in secondary 1 everybody took care of us because we were the youngest. Now, I'm in sec 2 and I realise that our teachers and parents won't always be there for us. Sooner or later we'll be sec 3 where you take up all the important leadership roles in school and in CCA and then boom, sec 4 and I'll be taking my O's.

I won't say that I'm very independent and street-smart cause I know I'm not but I won't say that I've been pampered and babied. I'm the middle child and it sucks sometimes cause nobody pays attention to me. *Wow that sounds really snobby, sorry.* They'll all be worried about my brother or sister cause they have to take care of my brother and my sister was always the louder and funnier one. She's always the one people like to be around. I guess I am pretty academically inclined so nobody really cared about me or my grades. The only time they ''cared'' was when my grades dropped by a bit and they lectured me about how I need to pull up my socks.

I wish people would understand though.

This is my all-time favourite quote. I don't want to be the girl who has to wait for that one guy, friends or family to help me solve all my problems. All I need is to trust and have faith in God and figure it all out. I know I can do it, I can be stronger, I have to. I won't be the girl who needs saving all the time. Not anymore.

So yeah, that's my ''theme'' for this year. (:

I'm gonna be doing hospitality duty for the first time on the 12th! I'm pretty nervous but excited at the same time. Dovyn's gonna be there to help out and stuff so I hope that I can learn from him and do everything correctly! I don't want to mess up and let anyone down. ):

I met so many people in 2012 that I am crazy thankful for: Boo bear, retarded pea, Mridula, Natalia, Nicole, Carine, Kelvina, Felicia, Vanessa, Dovyn, Tesco, Maxine, Cassandra and many more <3

I went to my church's countdown at Fort Canning and it was so much fun!!! I can't believe I wanted to stay at home and sleep early. Pfft. Even though it was storming since noon and it lasted all the way till 8+, it was so amazing and touching to see so many people turn up.


It was super muddy and everybody was just chilling in short, slippers and ponchos. I'm so glad that I got to spend the first second, minute and hour praising God with part of my tribe. <3 Met loads of new people and it was awesome! Definitely gonna go again next year. x

I only wish that my cell group would be more outgoing and actually be as interested and excited about church and its events as me. ): I really pray that our cell will multiply and grow closer as time passes.

Oh look, it's raining again.

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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