Sometimes you have to be your own hero.
"Just a fun post."

Monday, January 14, 2013 @ 3:09 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Two posts in one day, this is awesome. Haha I was feeling pretty horrible just now and I managed to finish my math construction questions, my chem notes and two chem worksheets, cool. 

My logic is bad mood = work done.

Well I wanted this post to be on a lighter note so I didn't put it with them other one down there. I think I sound really bi-polar cause the things I write in these two posts are so contradicting, please don't judge me heh.

Saturday! Friday might have ben the worst day but I swear Saturday was amazing. <3 Well maybe not so much in the morning. Saturday for me is the best day of the week because of tx! I love love church so much. You get to see your cell group, friends, have worship and listen to the sermon. 

I did hospitality duty this week and it was a mixture of fun/awkward. We went to collect our laptops from my aunt's house first so my dad sent my sister and I to church. We arrivied there half an hour early and so we went to the library for a while. I met my cell leaders at kfc and then at 2.30 pm I went to the conference room to be briefed on what I was supposed to do.


Thank goodness I saw my classmate there. She was with her cell mate and they were writing cards so she asked me to join them and help. Ahh so glad for her if not I would've been standing around all by myself *does anybody else sing the song in their head too? No? Nevermind.*

It was a really big group that day. There was a whole cell group, me, my cluster mate and two boys from Jaspar's cell I think. I was in charge of giving out flyers and packing the people in and then giving out the offering bags.

Really thankful for Isabel and Joshua who helped me with what to do and everything! They're so nice. (': 

And then for giving out the offering bag I messed up a bit. I was supposed to give to the 1st and 3rd row but the 1st row only had like 4 people and I didn't see it so I gave to the 2nd and 4th row and everything got a bit confusing sigh. Haha also really thankful for Dovyn who came to help me out. 

I definitely wouldn't mind doing hospitality duty again, I might ask my cell mates to join me too!

Oh my goodness I remember I was so irritated when I gave a flyer to ce then she kept on hitting me on the head with it. I think she was trying to look cool in front of everybody..? Well then I kicked her in the shin so, oops.

Hahaha that sounds so mean sorry.

I went to worship with my cell group and then they didn't go to the front! ): Then they said apparently they only go when I'm around cause I like to go and so do my cell leaders so we go together and everybody else just tags along. I wish they were more participative.

After church I went out with my sister and her friends to town and we just ate there. It was really fun but I kept on getting tickled cause I'm super sensitive and I always jumped when they did it hahah. 


I know I've gotten over Tesco a long time ago and lately I don't have any crush. Eye candies sure but no crushes. But then I think I have one on him! Damn hormones. 

LOL I just think that he's so gentle, sweet and funny. He isn't like the other boys I know. Ahaha I haven't told anyone yet that I have a blog, it's not even on my twitter bio. I don't know if I should say really specific stuff here. :x

But I think this is like a one-sided thing from me, le sigh. I can tell it's the kind of crush where I'll just admire from afar and not do anything. I SOUND SO CREEPY HAHAHA. I really, really like him but the chances of him liking me back are zero. I think he already has a crush and idk. 

The horrible thing is thats he's my _____'s friend and how weird would it be to her that I like him?! He's older than me and he probably only thinks of me as this younger sister. 

I mean I'm not completely hopeless. I've talked to him before and we've hung out with my _____ and friends. I smile and blush when I think of him haha I haven't felt this way since Tesco. 

I think I've grown a lot in terms of relationships with boys this year like how to talk to them, guy friends, how to notice if they like you etc. 

AH he's just so adorable I can't even. He's such a gentleman and so different. Most of the boys I know are all playfully cocky, funny, the bad boy kind etc. He's actually my type. My type's those cute boys who are shy and gentle, I think they're lovely. My most important physical appearance is height. He has to be taller than me and he is super duper tall but he's not lanky. 


Nice, the first time I really like a guy who's my type might not even like me back at all... )': 

Hah this post is so unlike all my other posts, it doesn't really have any depth to it. Just a simple post about my day and my crush.

Hope you enjoyed it and that I didn't make you think I'm a weirdo. 

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Beginning My Past

Hello, I'm Antonia. :-) I'm really awkward but I try to get along with everyone and make people smile. I'm proud to be a Christian, "You own the skies and still You want my heart." I made this blog to express my feelings and thoughts, and if anything I write offends anyone, I apologise. What's in this blog, stays in this blog.
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sometimes you have to be your own hero.


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